Open-source, modularized, and optimized FTC app and libraries

Modular FTC

The Modular FTC organization aims to improve the FTC robot controller app through easy community involvement and rapid development. We are not affiliated with FIRST.

Why use this?

Ease of modification

Being able to view all hidden dependencies between components is easy now that transitive dependencies are specified in the build.gradle files and generated pom.xml files. Additionally, you are able to substitute your own forks or local modifications of the FTC libraries in your team’s code by using Gradle’s includeBuild feature and exclude module: 'x.y.z:abc:1.2.3' feature.

Development performance

Faster deploy time means more time for testing: .apk savings with all lite dependencies: 18MB -> 8.5MB

Ease of updating

Modified too much of your ftc_app fork and now merging changes is a pain? Don’t want to wait 10 minutes for the 300MB repositories clones to a new computer? Just want to change a dependency version and test the robot? Well, this project solves all of those problems. Updating is as simple as changing your dependencies from 3.4 to 3.5 and making sure your code works correctly. The sample repository starts off at a mere 60KB and only grows as your team adds more files.

Community Involvement

We are always open to pull requests with improvements and we are happy to work through any issues created.

How do I get started?

That’s simple! Just fork or copy our repository modular-sample and you’re nearly done!

If you import that project using Android Studio it should build and produce an app with two demonstration OpModes. You’re then free to customize the project’s dependencies in the TeamCode/build.gradle file by removing our own Common-Code library or adding your own dependencies such as 'org.apache.commons:commons-math3:3.6.1' or our no-hassle OpenCV library opencv-repackaged.

Robot Controller sample

Technical Details

If you’re interested in how everything works behind the scenes, you’ve come to the right place.

Maven repositories used:

Repackaged artifacts:

Unmodified artifacts:

Contact info

Have a great idea? Want to help out? Having trouble with an issue outside the scope of the core FTC team? Open an issue on the corrisponding repository or use my contact email here!